Anti-corruption Expert

Fodié Tandjigora

Mr. Fodié Tandjigora holds a doctorate in sociology from the University of Paris Sorbonne-Cité. Currently a lecturer at the University of Bamako, he is the author of several publications on migration and insecurity. He is also a researcher in several international research programs. Recently, he collaborated withGlasshouse during a study on corrupt practices related to the COVID-19 pandemic in Mali. His other recent research includes a study on the sociological determinants of conflict in the Seno-Bankass (Mali), funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Mali; a research on the key elements of the migration path of sub-Saharan women, the passage through Mali and Morocco to Andalusia; a study on the participation of youth and adolescents in citizenship debates in the regions: Mopti, Gao, Menaka, Timbuktu, Segou, Bamako, funded by Canal France International; a survey of key witnesses to the crisis in Mali, funded by the Truth Justice and Reconciliation Commission (CVJR) Mali.