Director of Programmes

Pélagie Ebeka

Pélagie Ebeka is a senior Congolese lawyer with over 15 years of experience as a legal advisor and gender expert on public sector governance projects in the DRC.  She was recently legal advisor on an anti-corruption project for a DFID-funded private sector development programme in the DR Congo, including a women’s economic empowerment initiative. She has contributed to evaluations of EU programmes on gender and civil society programming, as well as, reproductive health studies for DFID, Médecins du Monde and Harvard Law School. Ms. Ebeka played a leading role in the drafting and adoption of the 2006 Sexual Violence Law as well as the 2016 Reforms to the Family Code. A leading gender activist in the Great Lakes region, she has appeared before the UN Security Council speaking on women and peacebuilding and advised the Congolese army on security reforms.

Ms. Ebeka is currently on secondment to serve as the Cabinet Director to the Ministry of Justice in the DR Congo.