Anti-corruption programming in the Democratic Republic of Congo

DonorDepartment for International Development
Implementation Partner(s)Essor, PwC UK
LocationsDemocratic Republic of Congo
Date2016 - 2018

Working on a DFID-funded private sector development programme in DR Congo, Glasshouse experts designed a women’s economic empowerment (WEE) campaign in collaboration with female entrepreneur associations and national female journalists’ NGO, UCOFEM (Union Congolaise des Femmes des Medias). We partnered with UCOFEM to implement gender-sensitive outreach in four cities to improve the ability of female entrepreneurs to resist corruption. UCOFEM organised caravans, trainings, radio programmes, and disseminated information through social media on tax obligations, promoting a positive culture of masculinity and female entrepreneurship, as well as important reforms to the Family Code affecting women’s economic rights. The campaign directly trained over 500 female entrepreneurs (as well as male champions of change), who worked as local mentors to spread information in their communities. Radio programmes also ensured a community-wide reach. A project-wide survey found 84.8% of beneficiaries reporting having used new knowledge from our trainings in their work, including WEE participants.